4-p Ministry
Pulpit, Pew, Pavement & Progress
The authority of Scripture is used in every aspect of preaching, teaching, communicating, and daily living application in order to produce a transformed life where members are equipped and empowered by the Word of God to serve and impact the world for Jesus Christ.
Acting up to the full knowledge, whether gained by the spoken or written Word of God.
SPBC members are taught the principles of the Kingdom of God in order to function completely under God’s authority reflected by a transformed life which produces good works and models Christ-like conduct before a wicked and immoral generation.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)
SPBC members are motivated and encouraged by Scriptural preaching and teaching to take the Gospel “into the streets” via community outreach, individual and group evangelistic efforts.
SPBC embraces social justice and racial equality from the “cradle to the grave” as evidenced in Scripture from a God’s Kingdom on earth perspective.